
The Real Annie Sanchez

For real stories, lessons & hope on this beloved life, pop your email in. ♥️

Through the end of the year.

Hello again. I'm so proud of the journal I created before I knew what this business was going to be or what I wanted to be when I grew up. ☺️ Clarity Pages is a 13-week journal designed to move goals forward while managing the day-to-day. Get your journal here. It's perfect for getting through the rest of 2024. About Clarity Pages 3 month layout. Your goals. Your life. We've all experienced what it's like to have a goal we want really badly. Many of us also know what it feels like when life...


The first few Saturdays of the month I send stories from my life about breaking rules, transcending the ordinary and finding magic. Whether you're an executive, emerging leader, seasoned entrepreneur or budding business owner, I'm grateful you're here and hope my story supports you in some way. ... continued from last Saturday. I'm thinking, "This is my fucking job." Not only am I practically perfect for it, but I found it through morning meditation and journaling. I mean c'mon! I wait a few...


Good morning, I'm writing to you in real time from my candle-lit office while Mantequilla sleeps on her fluffy blanket. She got out of the house yesterday which created a lot of feelings. Years ago we tragically lost our beloved Morris and have not been okay since. Thankfully Mantequilla is home. This morning I woke up before she started poking at me, right as I was in the middle of a dream: I was riding through a big open sandy area with caverns and cliffs that buildings were built into for...

I want it so badly.

The first few Saturdays of each month I send stories from my personal life about breaking rules, transcending the ordinary and finding magic. Whether you're an executive, emerging leader, seasoned entrepreneur or budding business owner, I'm grateful you're here and hope my story supports you in some sweet, simple or big way. "God I love my job!" my mom used to say all the time. And she legit did. She'd tell me regularly, "Annie, make sure you love what you do because you have to spend so many...

A welcome shift.

Hey Reader, How is it September already? Time man. Time! 🥹 I hope you're experiencing cooler weather and an easeful heart on this Tuesday afternoon. Listen, I want to keep this short and share an update. I've been contemplating my emails for many months, and asked a while back what folks find useful about them. I'm so grateful to those who shared! I'm excited to say that I have clarity and a plan for how I'll be communicating for the foreseeable, and I want you to know what to expect....

{Life of Plenty vol. 8} I got a job.

Life of Plenty a monthlyish offering fromAnnie Sanchez Vol. 8 Not Your Average Goal Setting Let's Talk Operation Olive Branch Spoiler alert: And then I quit. I was sitting on the couch with my laptop, clacking away as I put the final words on my cover letter while Matt proofread from the chair across from me. "It looks good," he said. "I edited a few punctuation marks and took out a couple of thats and whichs to reduce your word count." I sent it off at 4:59pm. The deadline was 5:00pm. I...

Some business updates from Annie

Hey there, I hope July is starting off with some ease and inspiration. It's been stormy off and on here in Albuquerque the past few days, giving our typically very dry, sunny, blue skied city grayish, cloudy skies and humid air. Like, where even am I? Tomorrow I'll be driving with Matt and Mantequilla to SoCal for a much needed getaway — looking forward to breathing new air, taking in the ocean and visiting with beloved friends I haven't seen in a very long time. Before I head out, I want to...

What will it be about?

Good morning Reader, (it was morning when I started writing this...good afternoon now) The last few days I've been sitting with the curiosity, "What will the next 10 years be about?" as part of my reflection on the past 10 years. In a few days it will be 10 years since my mom died. Per usual, I'm doing sad math*, but also hopeful math. "What was 2014 about?" is the question I started with, then went through each subsequent year and the previous 10. 2011 Here's a snapshot of my last 20 years....

My goals this summer.

It's one of those Sundays. Slept in. 3 maybe 4 cups of coffee. Tons of time on Instagram already. And, it's all good. I know what I'm doing the rest of the day. I'm feeling good, focused and grounded because I have a couple goals I'm working towards this summer and after hitting send on this email, I'm gonna give them my attention. A Leo Rising dad with a Mars conjunct her Pisces Sun of a daughter. We're insatiable. Love you dad! Here's what I'm working towards: Goal 1: Get Healthy Okay, but...

{Life of Plenty vol. 7} The courage to say what's going on.

Life of Plenty a monthlyish offering fromAnnie Sanchez volume 7 My guiding curiosity for this volume of Life of Plenty is the courage to honor humanity, yours and everyone else's. Saturday, June 29 will be my last workshop of 2024. Sign up for Not Your Average Goal Setting by paying what you can. Sat 6/29 Workshop Donate to Palestinians Clarity Journals Who are you really? "I would tell anyone looking for a coach that 'Annie is an out of the box professional life coach who can keep you in...