My goals this summer.

It's one of those Sundays. Slept in. 3 maybe 4 cups of coffee. Tons of time on Instagram already. And, it's all good. I know what I'm doing the rest of the day.

I'm feeling good, focused and grounded because I have a couple goals I'm working towards this summer and after hitting send on this email, I'm gonna give them my attention.

Here's what I'm working towards:

Goal 1: Get Healthy

Okay, but what do I mean by get healthy?

Well, I want to reduce my chronic pain, lower my cholesterol and lose some weight so I feel more comfortable in my clothes.

How I'll know I'm getting healthy:

  1. My pain will be reduced — my lower back in particular hurts 90% of most days.
  2. My cholesterol will be reduced — it was recently tested and in the "borderline high" range.
  3. I'll joyfully wear a pair of pants I love which currently feel too tight.

Goal 2: Feel Ready for Art School

I'm enrolled in art school this fall and will be among a bunch of spry, young artists whose ratio of life to their art making is much greater than mine. I'm literally more than twice the age of the youngest in my cohort.

How I'll know I'm feeling ready for art school:

  1. I'll be making art daily — at the moment I'm in a rut.
  2. I'll finish Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain — currently half way through it.
  3. My office will have more art than work being done in it.

I have my goals and how I'm measuring progress, now all I have to do is take action.

How I'm actually making them happen

With my first goal, I've been exercising daily— each week I'm doing a few rides with the Peloton app, a couple strength days, a walk or two, and taking a true rest day. I've caught the wind and flying now 3 weeks in.

As for my second goal. This weekend I rearranged my office to be more about making art than work. I put my work desk in a totally different part of the room. It doesn't feel relegated to a corner either, in spite of it being in the corner — it actually feels good to sit there and have a new view. And the rest of the room opened up for art-making so I can have all my supplies out 🎨 🖌️ vs. pulling them out and putting away every time...a total buzzkill.

To recap:

  • I have 2 goals this summer.
  • I know what accomplishing them looks like so along the way when old habit gravity kicks in, I can check in with my benchmarks and feel good and proud of my progress even when it might feel slow.
  • I've been taking steps towards both.

I believe in setting goals that can be joyfully focused on 3 months at a time, and developing a set of deeply personal progress benchmarks that only we can understand fully what it would mean to achieve.

It's June 16, about 2 weeks into what I'm working towards. I know what I know right now, but can't possibly know what will reveal itself come July 16 or August 16, so I'm focused on the right here and right now.

It's not my first rodeo with goal setting, or even with the types of goals I'm working towards. But it is the first time working towards them at this time in my life. They mean something different right now.

This afternoon I'll be doing an endurance ride and about to run out quick to Lowe's to get a little something for my art space.

Feeling good. Focused. Grounded.

What's really important to remember when setting goals is that they're most likely to stick/stay inspiring and exciting when you deeply care about, really give a shit. When they fucking mean something to you.

They might not be the newest and freshest goals to you, but the cosmic combo of whatever's come together at this moment in time to make them feel good to you, that certain something you can't quite put your finger on but you know you know it's feeling right — that je ne sais quoi.

THAT's the newness, the freshness, the giving a shit and going to get it energy you need. Go get yours!

If it's helpful to you, here's one of my fave tools I've used for years to set my goals. Download it and let me know if it helps. Heads up, it's a fillable pdf, so you can just click and type right into it. ⌨️ I personally like to print and put pen to paper. Either way, be sure to save it to your computer!

Happy Sunday. Happy Eid. Happy Father's Day. Free Palestine.

Big love,

p.s. I'm hosting my last goal setting workshop of 2024 in less than 2 weeks on June 29. Register by paying any amount that feels good to you.

p.p.s. I'm executive producer on a masterpiece of an album coming out on Friday! It's been 3 years in the making and WHEW was it worth the wait! So proud of Matt, his tenacity, and myself for helping to make it a reality. Listen to the first 3 singles here! Sign up for his delightful emails here.

p.p.p.s. If you've got a new business or one that feels kind meh at the moment, remember that you are doing your best with what you've got. It's not always fun and exciting. You're doing great, keep going.



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