{Life of Plenty vol. 8} I got a job.

Life of Plenty

a monthlyish offering from
Annie Sanchez

Vol. 8

Not Your Average Goal Setting
Let's Talk
Operation Olive Branch

Spoiler alert:

And then I quit.

I was sitting on the couch with my laptop, clacking away as I put the final words on my cover letter while Matt proofread from the chair across from me.

"It looks good," he said. "I edited a few punctuation marks and took out a couple of thats and whichs to reduce your word count."

I sent it off at 4:59pm. The deadline was 5:00pm.

I learned about it at 11:45am.

I thought about the job between coaching calls and after my Mariposa finance meeting. I wondered all afternoon if this was it. What I had been looking for. Hoping for. Needing.

I sent a few texts to people I love who asked a few questions and expressed support overall. They had been hearing my concerns for some time, so their support carried a lot of weight.

At 2:45pm I got started.

I poured into my cover letter all the reasons I was not only capable, but ideal.

I also named the elephant on the page — why I was applying for a job as a business owner with a track record of success (details I was boasting in the paragraphs above).

Nearly a year later, I walked into a conference room for orientation.

On the drive over, I'm thinking, "Maybe this is the start of a new 3 year cycle. With art school about to start, the degree will take me 3 years (if I take it all the way), it seems like this particular job has come at just the right time."

Less than a 1/2 mile from the office, I realize I haven't reached out to two particular people about this new development in my life — important people because (a) they are part of the company I'm about to walk into the office of and (b) they are dear to me outside of the work. Why hadn't I thought to reach out, like yesterday?

I ask Siri to text them while I drive.

I express my love and ... not excitement exactly, but enthusiasm. I say, "I'm excited," but if I'm honest, that isn't quite true.

I am ... relieved.

Relieved to stop looking.

Relieved to know they are on the other side of that office door.

Relieved to know cash will hit my account in two weeks, and again two weeks after that, and again two weeks after that.

Relieved that someone else will be doing the business development and I just have to do a job.

In the waves of relief, I am realizing I haven't reached out to these two people who are dear to me in more ways than one to say, "Hey! I'm going to be working with you!"

Why didn't I message them sooner?

How come it occurred to me so late?

It's like I've had Vaseline on my eyeballs.

I quit after 11 days but knew it wasn't right before I even walked in.

When I told my dad he said, "Yep, that's not it. You had to do it to learn this just isn't you anymore."

Another beloved said to me, "I was wondering why you took this job. I know your passion does not lie with working for someone else. You’re a true entrepreneur."

Someone else said, "YES!!! This sounds so much more like you."

God I love all of you who know me, see me and get me!

If you've been with me since 2022 or before, you know I've been going through something (in the words of Kendrick). I described the feeling I've been having like Vaseline on my eyeballs and it now being wiped away.

Thank you heart for showing me the way. Thank you eyes for hanging on.

I'll continue to share revelations as they come. For now, I want to offer five on this August morning (I'm writing this with the sunrise but sending this afternoon):

  1. You get to change your mind.
  2. You are who you've been looking for.
  3. Trust yourself.
  4. You can't know light without knowing dark.
  5. What if your self doubts and concerns about how you're perceived aren't actually real?

A few glimpses into my recent reality

Row by row, left to right: (1) Acceptance note from the University of New Mexico (2) Love note from a beloved client (3) Snacks on the beach (4) Birdsong Somatic Oracle from my rest teacher, Dr. Chanti Tacaronte-Perez (5) Drawing with Mantequilla (6) 10,000 foot view (7) Rooftop hot tubs (8) Mornings (9) Center of the Universe (10) Reminder (11) Welcome gifts (12) Settling into our space

Current ways I can support YOU:

  1. Clarity Pages — A 13-week journal designed to help you manage the day-to-day while moving your goals forward.
  2. Not Your Average Goal Setting Workshop — A self-guided, tangible and true method for making shit happen.
  3. Back Pocket Guidance — A gorgeous combo of integrated coaching for all aspects of life and business. 3 months of private support anytime anywhere.
  4. Advanced Coaching — A true partnership as you make the leap. Starting a business, changing careers, growing as a leader, healing your heart...you will be supported in a deep, strategic and heart-centered way. I have room for just 1 more client this year. Is it you?
  5. These emails — I send Life of Plenty never more than once a month and other emails a little more frequently with random thoughts, resources and opportunities to do stuff together. I'd love it if you told someone you love who needs some inspiration about them. Send them here.
  6. Simple Practices for Creating Balance in Your Week — An ebook I wrote in 2019. I have plans to update for current times and turn it into an audiobook. Even still, it's good. And it's less than $10. If you buy it now, you'll get the new edition whenever it comes out (likely early 2025).

If you're craving a thought partner, I can be that for you.

I am a strategic life coach and certified business advisor who uses a heart-centered approach to solving problems in equally practical ways. I really see myself as a strategist and dreamer.

I've supported hundreds of people over the years through Mariposa. Here's what some have said.

A new coaching client recently asked before committing if I am the kind of coach who will offer my actual perspective and advice or exclusively help them find the answer within themselves, because they wanted someone who would actually offer advice.

I literally laughed out loud.

A) I know you have the answers, so I'll always ask questions to help you find them.

B) I'm a MF problem solver (!) so I straddle the line of being a coach and strategist and advisor with great care.

Want a life coach, you're getting a strategist and business advisor. Want a business advisor, you're getting a life coach. These two things cannot be separated within me.

I spend a lot of time dreaming about the world I want to live in. Whether I share here, in a post on social media or on a phone call together, I'm grateful you choose to be part of my little world.

If something I shared moved you in some way or you just want to say hey, I'd love to hear from you. You can email me at annie@mariposastrategies.com.

Albuquerque, NM

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Love you always.


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