
Good morning,

I'm writing to you in real time from my candle-lit office while Mantequilla sleeps on her fluffy blanket. She got out of the house yesterday which created a lot of feelings. Years ago we tragically lost our beloved Morris and have not been okay since.

Thankfully Mantequilla is home.

This morning I woke up before she started poking at me, right as I was in the middle of a dream:

I was riding through a big open sandy area with caverns and cliffs that buildings were built into for protection from the elements. I spotted a huge wall and my guide said, "That's it." We arrived to what was the inside of the wall where I was shown around. I felt the weight of what I was seeing — the humongous size of the wall, the openings that allowed light through, the books and photo captions written in another language, how it was doubling as a museum to those who lost their lives and survived the holocaust. It was painful, scary and beautiful all at once.

My eyes opened at 4:30am and I came in here to think and write.

My next art school project involves visualizing my utopian society, one filled with the things, people, values and culture I hold dear. I feel primed for this project because I think about the world I want to live in a lot. It's what I have been helping people with for years too.

I ask every private client to think about their ideal scenario — What would it look like if your life was ideal? Not perfect per se, but as close to ideal as possible, how would you like your life to be?

What if your ideal scenario is the foundation for the world we all want to live in?

When you're going through something, it makes sense to deal with it however you do — therapy, coaching, writing, talking, etc.

What if instead of just dealing with things how you do though, you did so through the lens of your ideal scenario? What if you dealt with what's going on in your life through the lens of the world we so deeply need?

I believe the world we want to live in requires us to be now the way we would be if it already existed. To do the things now we would do there. To talk about the things now we would talk about there. To deal with things now how we would deal with things there.

While I wish the world would soften into a peaceful, safe place for all beings this very second, I know what was created by people can be changed by us.

So as you move through your day, consider what your ideal scenario is. Be specific:

  • What would it look like if life was as close to perfect as possible?
  • What if your ideal scenario is the very foundation for a soft, peaceful and safe place for all beings?
  • How would you step, speak, think, do differently?

Will you start stepping, speaking, thinking and doing differently today?

Sending love to you and all,


p.s. A very vulnerable share — my first big art school project. 🥹 🐋

p.p.s. Your creative, restful, dreamy, utopian life and work is possible.


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