Some business updates from Annie

Hey there,

I hope July is starting off with some ease and inspiration. It's been stormy off and on here in Albuquerque the past few days, giving our typically very dry, sunny, blue skied city grayish, cloudy skies and humid air. Like, where even am I?

Tomorrow I'll be driving with Matt and Mantequilla to SoCal for a much needed getaway — looking forward to breathing new air, taking in the ocean and visiting with beloved friends I haven't seen in a very long time.

Before I head out, I want to share some updates from the Mariposa headquarters.


My last goal setting workshop of the year was Saturday, and oooooooh was it good. 26 humans said yes, sign me up! There were people from New Mexico, California, Arizona, North Carolina, Chicago, Brooklyn, the UK and more! I will not be hosting any more goal setting workshops in 2024.

But don't fret, because...


My highly-rated, beloved Goal Setting Workshop is now available anytime you need it! NOTE: My goal-setting framework works for anything you want to accomplish in life, business, healing, health and more. Sign up once, access anytime.


I will work with no more than 6 private clients for the rest of 2024, and I have space for just 4 more.


My private coaching services and prices have been updated. I'd love to hear what you're dreaming about, wanting to accomplish, heal, grow or leap towards. Let's have a call.

If you and I have worked together before, reply for my private coaching services for beloved clients or schedule a call here.


Back Pocket Guidance is locked in, no more price increases. Need an ear as ideas flood in on your walk, before heading into a meeting or as you draft your pitch? You can have me in your back pocket right away, providing full-on coaching & thought partnership. Real life BPG situations.


Four beautiful editions of Clarity Pages are waiting for your goals and all that you juggle in the day-to-day.

Alright Reader, I'll leave you with some questions I've been living with and offered to the goal fam on Saturday. I invite you be with them as you move through the coming day:

  • How do I want to be?
  • How do I want to feel?
  • How have my priorities changed?
  • What am I ready to let go of?

Big love and Free Palestine 🍉,

Love notes from some peeps I've coached over the years:

Hey, Annie! I finally had the time to sit down and sign up for BPG again! Woohoo! So excited! 🎉 Also, Clarity Pages has been coming in CLUTCH the last couple weeks and helping me to avoid overworking! Your work WORKS!
"I was just watching your [Instagram] story and thinking about the goal setting workshop you held last year. I was in it! I could never have imagined that I would accomplish one of the goals I set that day. Makes me emotional and grateful and like idk thank you Annie for imagining when those you help cannot. For expanding possibility and the world. So in awe of you."
"So, I did a thing. I gave my months notice at the beginning of March. I have no clue what's next but I finally just made the leap. I'm going to take a few months off and recalibrate. But I wanted to thank you-because you planted this little baby seed in me about "what if" my next year is not this work and living in a new place/living my best life. l swear, could not get my head around that initially but now, I can touch it. It very well could be a reality. You are magic!"
"Annie, thank you for sharing all of your gifts. Your presence, words and insights have helped me shift into a place of deeper trust and confidence in myself. I'm doing the things I didn't think I could. I found you at a moment of needing deep healing, and a year later my range and capacity has expanded significantly. 💗"
"Thanks so much for being a solid light for me to look towards. You are not a bullshitter and you see the brilliance in others in a way I have not experienced from a coach. I'm so excited to stay on this journey with you. I'll lean on you forever. lol."
"Hey Annie, thank you so much. I know that was a lot that I had shared, and I appreciate you being able to weed through all of it. Wow, like just wow. I appreciate you so much, thank you for your questions!"
"Gosh you! You are a major reason that I am so brave now. You helped me find it and in the words of you "do it scared." My life is forever transformed because of that cohort and it will never be the same ever. Everything is vibrating. ✨✨✨"

p.s. What is your favorite road-tripping music? I'm creating a playlist for our drive to Cali tomorrow.


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